Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I love Christmas. I love the spirit of the season as well as the reason for it. I love that my boys can celebrate the birth of Jesus and still thrill at the sight of Santa. I love that Christmas is more than just presents on Christmas morning, that is about family and love and sharing and giving. That in the middle of the day, with all the external things going on, they remember to thank the Lord for his son.

I have had a hard time trying to find our place, our footing, during this season. I want more than anything to know that my boys understand the "true" meaning of Christmas. Yet I want them to experience the magic that is "Santa". I figure that if I compartmentalize, keep them seperate, the boys wont lose sight of the more serious aspect that is a love and appreciation of Christ, yet enjoy the wonder of waking up to a room full of toys that they had been dreaming about for weeks and weeks.

Not sure if this is the right way or the wrong way, but right now, it works for us.

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